At that moment, my hand streaked inside my bag and a honed down handled bayonet appeared, polished and flashing evilly. My constant companion in the Asian jungles was with me once more!

Taken aback, Mr. Emanon recovered his breath. "I certainly wasted my time giving you a lecture on being prepared! You certainly are good with dangerous weapons!"

"Sir, there's no such thing as a dangerous weapon, just a dangerous man . . . or woman!” I told him calmly.

The next few months went by quickly for me. Alicia had taken over my being and personality, completely. As a matter of fact, I don't think that I would have answered to any other name after the indoc- trination that I had received.

In the weeks before Chrissy had returned, Julia had taken me into New York city several times. After a number of bouts with an elect- rolysis needle, my skin was becoming smooth and soft like a woman's. I was rewarded by a trip to Elizabeth Arden's where I was given a com- plete facial, make-up job, and a new hair style. It was to encourage it to grow to one length as I had requested. To hold me over in the mean time, I was allowed to purchase several falls and a full wig for good wear. One thing that was discovered during the trip was that I was a much better looking girl as a blonde, so a blonde I became. Stripped of my color, and then softly tinted to a lovely shade, I felt more feminine than I had ever imagined that I could. Shopping followed our trip, and my wardrobe became complete with the latest styles, soft blouses covered with lace, and my favorites, the incredible softness of angora and cashmere sweaters and scarves. I learned quite a bit from Julia about color, fabric and style selection during this time, and since my weight and figure had reached proper proportions from the slimming and conditioning exercises, I was able to achieve the look that I had desired.

Back at home, I helped with the cooking and some of the sewing. I found that I could be creative with my hands and was usually in charge of arranging the centerpieces for the evening table. Also, to fill out my knitting bag and cover my little survival kid, I became the owner of several balls of wool and the appropriate knitting needles. To my surprise I found that this too made me feel relaxed and comfortable. I spent many pleasant evenings, watching TV in a lovely peasant skirt, while my fingers busied themselves making me my first soft sweater.